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Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kadmium Terhadap Perubahan warna Dan Persentase Jenis Kelamin Jantan Anakan Daphnia magna
[Influences Concentration Of Cadmium To Colour Change And Male Sex Percentage Neonates Daphnia magna]
Corresponding Author(s) : Rahayu Kusdarwati
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Cadmium is one of dangerous heavy metal and it can cause water pollution. As an alternative early warning toward heavy metal in water, Daphnia magna can be used as biology indicator water pollution that caused by heavy metal. Daphnia magna is organism that ussualy used for bioassay in many progressing countries, because that organism have important role in freshwater ecology, short life cycle about 3 weeks and sensitive toward chemical environment. Grade of toxicity heavy metal can measured with lethal and sub lethal parameter. In Daphnia magna, sub lethal parameter that can be observe are colour changes and male sex percentage neonates. The purpose of this research was to know the colour changes and male sex percentage neonates Daphnia magna in different concentration of cadmium. Target of this research is to gets information about level colour changes and male sex percentage neonates Daphnia magna in different concentration of cadmium. The main parameter was colour changes and male sex percentage neonates and the secondary parameters were water quality (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and NH3) The result of research of giving different cadmium concentration to the adult female Daphnia magna not showing significant influence, nevertheless it is showing significant influence toward male sex percentage neonates Daphnia magna. The treatment with cadmium concentration 0,0004 mg/l produce 100% male neonates Daphnia magna. Water quality during research were in optimal conditions to support Daphnia magna life, those are temperature 26°C, pH range from 8,0 – 8,2 and dissolve oxygen (DO) range from 8,5 – 9,0 mg/l and ammonia 0 – 0,03 mg/l.
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Eads, B., J. Andrews, and J. K. Coolbourne. 2007. Ecological Genomic in Daphnia: Stress Responses and Environmental Sex Determination. Center For Genomic and Bioinformatics. Indiana University Bloomington. Departement of Biology. USA.
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Darmono. 1995. Logam Dalam Sistem Biologi Makhluk Hidup. Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta. hal 6-85.
Deken, A. 2005. Seeing Red: Daphnia and Hemoglobin. Ste. Genevieve du Bois School. Warson Woods, Missouri. Summer Reseach Fellowship for Science Teachers. Washington University Science Outreach. Missouri. Hal 2-8.
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Joniansyah. 2004. Reklamasi Pantai Mutiara Dadap Merusak Lingkungan. Tempo Interaktif, 7 Juli 2004: 2
Kusriningrum, R. S. 2008. Perancangan Percobaan. Airlangga University Press. Surabaya. Hal 43-50.
Laufer, H. and Biggers, W. J. 2001. Unfying Concepts from Methyl Farnesoate for Invertebrate Reproduction and Post – Embryonic Development. Departement of Molecular and Cell Biology. University of Connecticut. Massachussetts. pp. 442- 457.
LeBlanc, G. A., W. A. Olmsteated, X. Mu, Y. W. Helen, R. Bethany and Hong Li. 2006. Mechanictic Approaches to Screening Chemicals for Endocrine Toxicity Using an Invertebrate. Depatement of Environtmental and Moleculer Toxicology. North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC. http: // www. 14/06/08. 1 hal.
Louekari, K., Kurtto, R. M. Pasanen, J. Virtanen. 2000. Cadmium In Fertilizers- Risk to Human Health and the Environtment. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Finlandia. pp. 4-70.
Mudjiman, A. 1995. Makanan Ikan. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. Hal 28-37.
Mokoginta, I. 2003. Modul Budidaya Daphnia. Direktorat Pendidikan Menengah Kejuruan. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Hal 25-26.
Ochlan. J. and V. S. Ochlman. 2003. Endocrine Disruption in Invertebrata. Pure Applechem. Vol 75. pp 11-12
Olmsteated and LeBlanc. 2002a. Effect of Endocrine Active Chemical on The Development of Sex Characteristic of Daphnia Magna. Departement of Toxicology North Caroline. USA. pp 731-735.
Olmsteated and LeBlanc. 2002b. The Juvenoid Hormon Methyl Farnesoate is a Sex Determinant in the Crustacean Daphnia Magna. Departement of Toxicology North Caroline. USA. pp 736 – 739.
Olmsteated, W. A. 2003. Environtmental Toxicant Effect on Sexual Reproduction in Daphnia Magna. Dissertasions submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Caroline State University. USA. 7 hal.
Rider, C. V., T. A. Gorr., A.W. Olmstead, B. A. Wasilak, and G. A. LeBlanc. 2005. Stress Signaling: Coregulation of Hemoglobin and Male Sex Determination Through a Terpenoid Signaling Pathway in a Crustacean. Departement of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology. North Carolina State University, Raleigh. USA. p. 15-23.
Rottman, R. W., J. S. Graves, C. Watson and R. P. E. Yanong. 2003. Culture Techniques of Moina: The Ideal Daphnia For Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry. Departement of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida. http:// www. Simply 12/05/08. 8 hal.
Rusdyanto, E., R. A. Wulandari, A. M. Wardiati, A. Winata, Hewindati dan B. Hardjojo. 1996. Kimia Fisik Biologi Lingkungan. Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta. hal. 15-57.
Samsubar, S. 1996. Statistik Nonparametrik Edisi 2. BPFE-Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta. hal. 27-38.
Setyawan. 2001. Pengertian Air Dari Perspektif Hukum Pusat Pengendalian Pencemaran Air. BPLHD Jawa Barat. 2 hal.
Setyorini, D. 2003. Waspadai Bahaya Merkuri di Sumber Air Kita. Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conversation. Ecoton. Gresik. 2 hal.
Sunarto. 2007. Bioindikator Pencemar Logam Berat (Cd) Dengan Analisis Struktur Mikroanatomi, Efisiensi Fungsi Insang, Morfologi dan Kondisi Cangkang Kerang Air Tawar (Anondonta woodiana Lea). Tesis. Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 14 hal.
Soemirat, S, J. 1994. Kesehatan Lingkungan. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. hal. 10-75.
USEPA. 1996. Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity Test Freshwater Daphnids. Report. No. EPA-712C-96-114. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C. p. 96-114.
Zairin, Jr. M. 2002. Sex Reversal, Memproduksi Benih Ikan Jantan atau Betina. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. hal. 1- 88.