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Framework for Sustainable Management of Shellfish Resources Based on Eco-Biology and Socio-Economic Conditions in Sedati, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Mohd Hanafi Idris
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Graphical Abstract
Highlight Research
- Sustainable Management: Developing strategies for the long-term sustainability of shellfish resources in Sedati, Sidoarjo.
- Eco-Biological Considerations: Emphasizing the role of ecological and biological factors in managing shellfish populations.
- Socio-Economic Integration: Balancing economic activities and community welfare with the preservation of shellfish resources.
- Regional Focus: Tailoring management practices specifically to the unique environmental and social conditions of Sedati, Sidoarjo.
Sedati is one of the subdistricts producing fishery products, namely milkfish, shrimp, and shellfish. Some of the products are further processed generate long-term income. Economic variables profoundly influence shellfish harvesting, as heightened catches immediately enhance fishermen's revenue. Nonetheless, increased income may lead to intensified fishing activities, potentially jeopardizing the viability of shellfish populations if not adequately regulated. This study develop to the framework for sustainable management of shellfish resources based on eco-biology and socio-economic conditions. This research used a survey research method with primary and secondary data. The samples collected from this study were spread across 224 respondents who are fishermen. The hauling process is carried out while catching shellfish 100-150 times. Shellfish fishing activities are carried out 20–26 days a month. This study found that catch factors having no significant effect on sustainable fisheries management, ecological factors and shellfish capture and sustainable fisheries and sustainable fisheries management social factors and the capture of shellfish. Biological factors and shellfish catchment and management economic factors influence the shellfish capture showed significant influence on the fisheries management. The development of this model can serve as a benchmark for shellfish fishing activity in this coastal water. Overfishing or activities in this area can be monitored using this model. The purpose is to control or monitor the stock and the inventory of the shellfish fisheries to preserve them for further use. Economic factors have a significant effect on shellfish caching because the more shellfish caught, the income of shellfish fishermen will directly increase, economic factors also have a significant influence on the sustainable management of shellfish. The greater the income of fishermen, the greater the availability of shellfish stocks will be because the fishing effort carried out by fishermen will be massive. This research in the future can provide information on how to balance ecological, economic, and social factors to ensure the long-term viability of shellfish populations and the ecosystem support.
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Peterson, C. H. (2001). Chapter 10 Integrating nutritional physiology and ecology to explain interactions between physics and biology in Mercenaria mercenaria. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 31(1):423-439.
Philippart, C. J. M., Dethmers, K. E. M., van der Molen, J., & Seinen, A. (2020). Ecological engineering for the optimisation of the land-based marine aquaculture of coastal shellfish. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19):1-23.
Pradnyawati, I. G. A. B., & Cipta, W. (2021). The influence of land area, capital and production amount on the income of vegetable farmers in Baturiti sub-district. Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi, 9(1):93-100.
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Ridwan, & Kuncoro, E. A. (2007). How to use and use path analysis. [in English]. Bandung: CV Alfabeta.
Rindorf, A., Mumford, J., Baranowski, P., Clausen, L. W., García, D., Hintzen, N. T. Alexander Kempf, A., Leach, A., Levontin, P., Mace, P., Mackinson, S., Maravelias, C., Prellezo, R., Quetglas, A., Tserpes, G., Voss, R., & Reid, D. (2017). Moving beyond the MSY concept to reflect multidimensional fisheries management objectives. Marine Policy, 85(1):33-41.
Rochana, W., Niroshan, W., Tiruchenduran, S., Sulaiman, M. A., & Mahesh, D. (2019). Effects of chitosan on growth, immune responses and survival of juvenile tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 7(1):129-133.
Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Hair, J. F. (2021). Partial least squares structural equation modeling. In C. Homburg, M. Klarmann, & A. Vomberg (Eds), Handbook of market research. (pp. 587-632). Springer.
Sarwono, J. (2012). Get to know PLS-SEM. [in English]. Yogyakarta: CV. Andi Offset.
Sastrawidjaya. (2002). Nusantara fishermen. Jakarta: Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Socio-Economics, Marine and Fisheries Research Agency.
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Tiensongrusmee, B., & Pontjoprawiro, S. (1988). Sea cucumber culture: Potential and prospects. Rome: Food Agriculture Organization.
Tookwinas, S. (1985). Commercial cockle farming in Southern Thailand. Makati, Metro Manila, Phillippines: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management.
Wafi, M. K., Hussain, N., El-Sharief Abdalla, O., Al-Far, M. D., Al-Hajaj, N. A., & Alzonnikah, K. F. (2019). Nanofiltration as a cost-saving desalination process. SN Applied Sciences, 1(6):1-9.
Wati, R. P., Syapsan, & Aqualdo, N. (2014). The impact of overfishing on fishermen’s income in Rokan Hilir Regency. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM Fekon), 1(2):1-19.
Wright, A. C., Fan, Y., & Baker, G. L. (2018). Nutritional value and food safety of bivalve molluscan shellfish. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(4):695-708.
Zhang, P., Zhao, T., Zhou, L., Han, G., Shen, Y., & Ke, C. (2019). Thermal tolerance traits of the undulated surf clam Paphia undulata based on heart rate and physiological energetics. Aquaculture, 498:343-350.