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Pemanfaatan Isi Rumen Sapi yang Difermentasikan dengan Bakteri Bacillus pumilus terhadap Kandungan Klorofil pada Kultur Dunaliella salina
[Use of Content Cow Rumen Fermented With Bacillus pumilus Bacterial Chlorophyll Content On The Culture Dunaliella salina]
Corresponding Author(s) : Endang Dewi Masithah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Dunaliella salina is one type of natural food that can be used in an attempt pembeniha rumen contents of cows is one of the waste obtained from the abattoir which is rich in nutrients. Synthesis of chlorophyll a and b require N and P. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and the best dose utilization of rumen contents of cows and Bacillus pumilus in the culture of Dunaliella salina in chlorophyll content. The research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) followed by Duncan multiple range test. Treatment research Dunaliella salina was cultured in 500 mL glass bottle with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Culture medium used was sea water that has salinity 30 ppt as much as 0.5 liters of rumen fluid is added 0.5 ml of solution that has been fermented with Bacillus pumilus in accordance with the treatment dose. The results showed that the use of fermenter bacteria Bacillus pumilus in cow rumen contents effect on chlorophyll content and dose fermenter rumen bacterium Bacillus pumilus in cattle that give the best chlorophyll content in Dunaliella salina culture fermentation is the dose intreatment C (7.5 % dose fermentation) reached 0.715653211aí¬molchl/cell on the first day.
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Beker. E. W. 1994. Microalgae Biotechnology and Microbiology. Cambrige University Press
Ben-Amotz, A. 1993. Production of í¢- carotene and Vitamins by The Halotolerant Alga Dunaliella. Marine Biotechnology Vol 1. Pharmaceutical and Bioactive Natural Products. Ed. Attaway, D.H. & Zaborsky,O.R. Enum. 411- 416p
Borowitzka, M. A. 1990. The Mass Culture of Dunaliella salina. 09/08/2009. 16 hal.
Edhy,. W. A., J. Pribadi dan Kurniawan. 2003. Plankton. PT. Central Pertiwi Bahari. Kalimantan Barat. Hal. 1 – 29.
Ekawati, A. W. 2005. Diktat Kuliah Budidaya Pakan Alami. Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. Hal. 3 – 48.
El Bas, F. K., Ahmed M, Aboul E, Gamal S. 2002. Accumulation of Antioxidant Vitamins in Dunaliella salina. 10/08/2009. 4pp.
Gunawan dan Sundari. 2003. Pengaruh Penggunaan Probiotik dalam Ransum terhadap P r o d u k t i v i t a s A y a m . 2.pdf. 25/10/2009. 7 hal
Ivanova , E.P, Vysostskii, Mv.< sSvestashev, V.I., Nedakashkovskaya, O.I. ; Gorshkova, N.M., Mikhailov, V.V; N.; Shigeri, yoshikawa, S (1999). Characterisation of Bacillus strains of marine origin. Int.Microbiol 267-271
Gusrina. 2009. Makalah Budidaya Pakan Alami (Phytoplankton, Zooplankton dan Benthos). 3/11/2009.22 hal
Hosei. 2008. Dunaliellasalina. 10/11/2009.1 hal.
Isnansetyo, A. dan Kurniastuty. 1995. Ateknik Kultur Fitoplankton dan Zooplanton. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. hal. 46 – 85.
Jemiati. 2002. Pengaruh Perbedaan Salinitas Terhadap Pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. Pada Media yang Diperkaya Dengan Limbah Pabrik Gula. Skripsi. Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. hal. 1 – 46.
Kusriani dan E. Yuli. 2005. Buku Ajar Planktonologi. Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. hal. 1 – 41.
Lamid, Mirni., Chuzaemi, Siti., Puspaningsih, Ni Nyoman Tri., dan Kusmartono. 2006. Inokulasi Bakteri Xilanolitik Asal Rumen sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Nutrisi Jerami Padi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unive r s i t a s Ai r l angga . Surabaya . http// 7 hal.
Nurjariah. 2005. Kelimpahan Bakteri dalam Budidaya Cacing Sutera Limnodrilus sp. Yang Dipupuk Kotoran Ayam Hasil Fermentasi. Skripsi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 34 hal.
Richmond, A. 1988. CRC Handbook of Mikroalgal Mass Culture. CRC Press Ino. Florida. p. 156 – 190.
Satyantini, W. H. dan E. D. Masithah. 2008. Diktat Penuntun Praktikum Budidaya Pakan Alami. Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. hal. 28 –49.
Sylvester, B. D., Nelvy D dan Sudjiharno. 2002. Persyaratan Budidaya Fitoplankton. Dalam Budidaya Fitoplankton dan
Zooplankton. 2002. Balai Budidaya Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Bandar Lampung. Hal.24 – 36.
Tjahjo, W., L. Erawati dan Hanung, S. 2002. Biologi Fitoplankton. dalam Budidaya Fitoplankton dan Zooplankton. 2002. Balai Budidaya Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Bandar Lampung. Hal.3 – 23.