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Kejadian Kelainan Vertebra Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) pada Media Penetasan Salinitas yang Berbeda
[Vertebrae Malformation Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus) on Different Media Hatching Saline]
Corresponding Author(s) : Lailatul Lutfiyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Tilapia fish belonged to the euryhaline fish, which has wide range tolerance in salinity (freshwater euryhaline fish has salinity tolerance >8 ppt). Incidence of fish skeletal abnormalities could be the response of the environment influence such as salinity, temperature and hypoxia. This research uses five treatments : 0,5 10, 15, 20 ppt. The results showed that the highest abnormalities found on the treatment of 15 ppt and 20 ppt, while the lowest for the treatment of abnormalities of 10 ppt. The best result to be used in the brackish nila aquaculture is 10-15 ppt in salinity.
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- Nugon, P, R. W. 2003. Salinity Tolerance Of Juveniles Of Four Varieties Of Tilapia. Thesis. Millsaps College. 6-10. pp.
- Watanabe, S., T, Kaneko dan K, M, Lee. 2008. Functional Morphology of Mitochondrion-Rich Cells in Euryhaline and Stenohaline Teleosts. Departmen of Aquatic Bioscience, 1(1) :1-62.
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- Bunn, N, A., Fox, C, J and Webb, T. 2000. A Literature Review of Studies on Fish Egg Mortality : Implications for The
- Estimation of Spawning Stock Biomass by The Annual Egg Production Method. Center For Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Sheffield University. 11-20.
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- Henn, K. 2011. Limits of the Limits of the Fish Embryo Toxicity Test with Danio rerio as an Alternative to the Acute Fish Toxicity Test. Disertation. Faculties for the Natural Sciences and for Mathematics of the Ruperto"Carola University of Heidelberg, Germany. 103p.
- Breden, F., Kristen, G., Gregory, R, H., Ge, J and Rob, W. 2010. Structural and micro-anatomical changes in vertebrae associated with idiopathic-type spinal curvature in the curveback guppy model. Scoliosis 2010, 5:10
- Jawad, L. A. 2004. First Record of an Anomalous Mullet Fish (Mugil cephalus) from New Zealand. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 15 : 121-124.
Ath-thar, M. H. F., dan Gustiano, R. 2010. Performa Ikan Nila Best dalam Media Salinitas. Prosiding Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur. 493-499
Nugon, P, R. W. 2003. Salinity Tolerance Of Juveniles Of Four Varieties Of Tilapia. Thesis. Millsaps College. 6-10. pp.
Watanabe, S., T, Kaneko dan K, M, Lee. 2008. Functional Morphology of Mitochondrion-Rich Cells in Euryhaline and Stenohaline Teleosts. Departmen of Aquatic Bioscience, 1(1) :1-62.
Poernomo, B, S., Maslichah, M., Widjiati., Epy, M, L., Endang, D, M dan Akhmad, T, M. 2005. Penuntun Embriologi. Pustaka Melati, Surabaya. 100-110.
Middaugh, D, P., John, W, F and Michael, J, M. 1990. Vertebral Abnormalities in Juvenile Inland Silversides Menidia beryllina Exposed to Terbufos During Embryogenesis. Disease of Aquatic Organisms. Florida. USA. Vol. 9 : 109116.
Bunn, N, A., Fox, C, J and Webb, T. 2000. A Literature Review of Studies on Fish Egg Mortality : Implications for The
Estimation of Spawning Stock Biomass by The Annual Egg Production Method. Center For Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Sheffield University. 11-20.
Morisson, C, M., B, Pohajdak., M, Henry and J, R Wright J R. 2003. Structure and Enzymatic Removal of the Chorion of Embryos of the Nile tilapia. Journal of Fish Biology. 63, 1439-1453.
Henn, K. 2011. Limits of the Limits of the Fish Embryo Toxicity Test with Danio rerio as an Alternative to the Acute Fish Toxicity Test. Disertation. Faculties for the Natural Sciences and for Mathematics of the Ruperto"Carola University of Heidelberg, Germany. 103p.
Breden, F., Kristen, G., Gregory, R, H., Ge, J and Rob, W. 2010. Structural and micro-anatomical changes in vertebrae associated with idiopathic-type spinal curvature in the curveback guppy model. Scoliosis 2010, 5:10
Jawad, L. A. 2004. First Record of an Anomalous Mullet Fish (Mugil cephalus) from New Zealand. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 15 : 121-124.