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Eksplorasi Bakteri Kandidat Probiotik di Lumpur Hutan Mangrove Wonorejo
[Exploration The Candidate Probiotic Bacteria In Mangrove Mud Wonorejo]
Corresponding Author(s) : Rahayu Kusdarwati
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Mangrove as one of the bacterial community development area, one of which is a probiotic bacterium. Exploration of probiotic bacteria in the mud of mangrove forest has not been done, especially in the mud in the mangrove forest Wonorejo, Rungkut-Surabaya. This study aims to determine the candidate probiotic bacteria species found in mangrove forests Wonorejo. This research method is descriptive in the form of sludge sampling surveys at five different points area. Sampling points are T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. T1 is an area of mangrove forest near Wonorejo milkfish. T2 is a region of southern estuarine mangrove forest near Wonorejo milkfish. T3 is a region of northern estuary mangrove forest Wonorejo near sewerage drains Wonorejo citizens. T4 is a region of southern estuarine mangrove forest Wonorejo and T5 is a region of northern estuarine mangrove forest Wonorejo. Fifth sludge samples performed a series of tests in the identification bekteri Hall Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products Class 1 Juanda. Data were analyzed by descriptive identification results by describing the data distribution of probiotic bacteria at each sampling point area Wonorejo mangrove mud. The results showed that probiotic candidate bacterias found were Bacillus sp., B. subtilis, B. licheniformis, Pseudomonas sp., P. pseudomallei, Vibrio alginolyticus and Microccus sp.
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Daftar Pustaka
Anwar, C. dan H. Gunawan. 2007. Peranan Ekologis dan Sosial Ekonomis Hutan Mangrove dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir. Prosiding Ekspose Hasil-Hasil Penelitian. hal 1-12.
Ardiansyah, M. A. Baiduri, Dahlia dan Yuliadi. 2011. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Probiotik Potensial dari Kerapu Macan Epinephelus uscuguttatus in South Sulawesi Waters. Aqua Hayati 7 (3) : 163-173.
Darmayati, Y., D. H. Kunarso dan Ruyitno. 2009. Dinamika Bakteri Indikator Pencemaran di Perairan Estuari Cisadane. Jurnal Oseanologi dan Limnologi Indonesia 35(2): 273-290.
Far, H. Z. 2009. Effects Of Probiotics on The Growth And Survival of Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and
Their Inhibitory Roles Against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Thesis. School of Graduate Studies. Universiti Putra Malaysia. hal vi-vii.
Feliatra., I. Efendi dan E. Sugandi. 2004. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Probiotik dari Ikan Kerapu Macan (Ephinephelus fuscogatus) dalam Upaya Efisiensi Pakan Ikan. Jurnal Natur Indonesia 6 (2): 75-80.
Geo Eye, Tele Atlas, Terrametrics and Digital Globe. 2013. Wonorejo, Rungkut, Surabaya, East Java. Global Positioning System (GPS). England.
Holt, G.J., N.R. Krieg, P.H.A. Sneath, J.T. Stanley and S.T. Williams. 2005. Bergeys Manual Determinative Bacteriology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia. pp. 93-562.
Irianto, A. dan P. M. Hendrati. 2003. Keragaman Hayati Bakteri Heterotrofik Aerobik Perairan Pantai Baron, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Biodiversitas 4 (2) : 80-82.
Jusadi, D., E. Gandara dan I. Mokoginta. 2004. Pengaruh Penambahan Probiotik Bacillus Sp. pada Pakan Komersil Terhadap Konversi Pakan dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Patin Pangasius hypophthalmus. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 3 (1): 15 18.
Masithah, E.D. 2011. Upaya Menurunkan Dominansi Microcystis Aeruginosa Menggunakan Enzim Pektinase dari Pseudomonas Pseudomallei. Berkala Penelelitian Hayati Edisi Khusus: 4C (83–86).
Osman, H.A.M., T.B. Ibrahim, W. Soliman and O. Aboud. 2010. Improvement Growth And Immune Status Using A Potential Probiotic Bacteria Micrococcus species Among Cultured Oreochromis niloticus. New York Science Journal. 3(10) : 5-11.
Prayogo, B.S.Rahardja dan A. Manan. 2012. Eksplorasi Bakteri Indigen pada Pembenihan Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Sp) Sistem Resirkulasi Tertutup. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan 4 (2) : 193-197.
Purnobasuki, H. 2005. Tinjauan Perspektif Hutan Mangrove. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. hal. 2-8.
Sarker, A. S., Rahman, S.N. Khan, and M. N. Naser. 2012. Optimization and Partial Characterization of a Putative Probiotic Bacterium Antagonistic to Vibrios in Shrimp Larval Rearing System. Journal Pharmacy Science. 9(1): 23-29.
Subagiyo dan A. Djunaedi. 2011. Skrining Kandidat Bakteri Probiotik dari Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Kerapu Berdasarkan Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Produksi Enzim Proteolitik Ekstraseluler. Ilmu Kelautan.16 (1) : 41-48.
Suwarsih. 2011. Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Probiotik dari Ikan Kerapu Macan (Ephinephelus fuscogatus) dalam Upaya Efisiensi Pakan Ikan. Prospektus, IX (1) : 48-55.
Supriadi, I. H. 2001. Dinamika Estuaria Tropik. Oseana, XXVI (4) : 1-11.
Verschuere, L., G. Rombaut, P. Sorgeloos, and W. Verstraete. 2000. Probiotic Bacteria as Biological Control Agents in Aquaculture. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Review, 64 (4) : 655-671.
Vijayan, KK., I.S. B. Singh, N.S. Jayaprakash, S.V. Alavandi, S. Somnath Pai, R. Preetha, J.J.S. Rajan, and T.C. Santiago. 2005. A Brackishwater Isolate Of Pseudomonas PS-102, A Potential Antagonistic Bacterium Against Pathogenic Vibrios In Penaeid and Non-Penaeid Rearing Systems. Aquaculture 251 : 192–200.
Widanarni. A. Suwanto, Sukenda, and B. W. Lay. 2003. Potency of Vibrio Isolates for Biocontrol of Vibriosis In Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) Larvae. Biotropia No. 20 : 11 – 23.
Widyawati, A. 2008. Bacillus sp. Asal Rizosfer Kedelai Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman Dan Biokontrol Fungi Patogen Akar. Tesis. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana. Institut Petanian Bogor. hal iii.
Wijiyono, 2009. Keanekaragaman Bakteri Serasah Daun Avicenia marina yang Mengalami Dekomposisi pada Berbagai Tingkat Salinitas di Teluk Tapian Naupli, Tesis, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. hal 1-3.