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Studi Identifikasi dan Prevalensi Endoparasit pada Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Kerapu Tikus (Cromileptes altivelis) di Keramba Jaring Apung Unit Pengelola Budidaya Laut Situbondo, Jawa Timur
[Prevalence Study And Identification Of Endoparasites On Humpback Grouper Gastrointestinal (Cromileptes altivelis) In Floating Net Cage Marine Culture Management Unit Situbondo, East Java]
Corresponding Author(s) : Kismiyati Kismiyati
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) or also known as polkadot grouper is one of the excellent fish commodities in Indonesia which has trading value reached $ 90-150/kg. As a consumed fish, humpback grouper are needed for beverage at luxuries restaurant and hotel in the world. As major export commodities in Indonesia, since the 1990's the techniques of grouper cultivation in float net rats are enhanced to fulfill international market demand. Humpback grouper fish cultivation techniques in float net cages cannot be separated from the problems in any cultivate activities, one of the causes is a disease and one of the diseases that rushed humpback grouper is parasite. The disadvantages that caused by the parasite is fish' weight loss. The purpose of this study is to determine the types of endoparasites that attacked the digestive system of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) in float net cages and also to discuss the prevalences of endoparasites that attack the digestive of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) in float net cages. The method of this research is descriptive. The sampling was done in once for 60 fishes with the length range of fish is around 15-20 cm and 4 months old from the float net. The number of each fishes samples that were taken 5-10% from the total of population, where the number of humpback grouper populations in each raft float net are 200 fishes. The main parameters that observed in this study were endoparasites identification species that attack the digestive system of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) in float net cages and the prevalence rates for each endoparasites. The supporting parameters in this study were the water quality in float net cages which includes temperature, pH and salinity are measured during the sample taken. The results showed that 60 samples taken from four float nets 6 fishes were positive infected endoparasitic of trematodes and nematodes, besides 4 fishes are positive infected worms Echinostoma which belong to the class of Trematodes and 2 fishes infected worms Camallanus carangis that belongs to the class Nematoda. The prevalence values for each of the worm are 6.67% for Echinostoma and 3.33% for Camallanus carangis. The research concern the identification and prevalence of endoparasites in Humpback grouper at hatchery is needed to early finding out the attack of endoparasites and to break the flow of endoparasitic spreading.
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Anshary, H. 2008. Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Student Center Learning (SCL) Mata Kuliah Parasitologi Ikan. Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP). Universitas Hasanuddin. Makassar. 126 hal.
Asaad, A.I.J., Makmur, Rachmansyah, M.C. Undu dan Muawanah. 2010. Analisis Faktor Kondisi Kontinuitas Budidaya Keramba Jaring Apung di Teluk Lampung. Prosiding Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur. BBRBAP. Maros. 7 hal.
Balai Karantina Ikan Batam. 2007. Laporan Pemantauan HPI/HPIK Tahun 2007. Balai Karantina Ikan Batam. Batam. 52 hal.
Birmani, N.A., A.M. Dharejo and M.M. Khan. 2008. Echinostoma atrae, New Spesies (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) in Black Coot Fulica atra (Aves: Rallidae) of Manchhar Lake, Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Pakistan Zoology 40(5): 379-383.
Bunga, M. 2008. Prevalensi dan Intensitas Serangan Parasit Diplectanum sp. Pada Insang Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, Forsskal) di Keramba Jaring Apung. Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin 18 (3) : 204-210.
Bunga, M., A. Rantetondok dan H. Anshary. 2009. Tingkat Infeksi, Mikrohabitat dan Patologis Parasit Diplectanum sp. pada Insang Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, Forsskal) di Keramba Jaring Apung. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 9 (2) : 73-80.
Diba, D.F. 2009. Prevalensi dan Intensitas Infestasi Endoparasit Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis Feses Kura-kura Air Tawar (Coura amboinensis) di Perairan Sulawesi Selatan. Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 47 hal.
Hassan, M. 2008. Parasites of Native and Exotic Freshwater Fishes in the South-West of Western Australia. Thesis. Murdoch University. Perth, Western Australia. 173 hal.
Kanev, I.,V.Dimitrov, V.Radev, B.Fried. 1995. Redescription of Echinostoma jurini (Skvortzov, 1924) with a Discussion of its Identity and Characteristics. Journal Naturhistorisches Musium Wien 97B: 37-53.
Kangkan, A.L., A. Hartoko, Suminto. 2007. Studi Penentuan Lokasi untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Berdasarkan Parameter Fisika, Kimia, dan Biologi di Teluk Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jurnal Pasir Laut 3 (1): 76-93.
Kuhlmann, W.F. 2006. Preservation, Staining, and Mounting Parasite Spesiment. 17/12/2011. 8 p.
Lafferty, K. 2011. Fish Parasites and Food Webs. International Symposium of Fish Parasites. 26-30 September 2011. Vina del Mar. Chile. 197 p.
Melianawati R., R. Andamari, dan I. Setyadi. 2010. Identifikasi Profil Aktifitas Enzim Pencernaan untuk Optimasi Pemanfatan Pakan dalam Usaha Budidaya Ikan Kerapu Bebek (Cromileptes altivelis). Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kelautan dan Perikanan. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jakarta. 28 hal.
Moravec, F., J.L. Justine and M.C. Rigby. 2006. Some Camallanid Nematodes from Marine Perciform Fishes Off New Caledonia. Journal Folia Parasitologica 53: 223-239.
Noble, G.A and E.R. Noble. 1989. Parasitologi : Biologi Parasit Hewan. Terjemahan: Wardiarto. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. hal 3-44.
Rigby, M.C., M.L. Adamson, and T.L. Deardorf. 1998. Camallanus carangis Olsen, 1954 (Nematoda: Camallanidae) Reported from French Polynesia and Hawai with a Redescription of the Spesies. Journal of Parasitology 84 (1): 158-162.
Ruckert, S., S.Klimpel, S. Al-Quraishy, H. Mehlhorn, and H.W. Palm. 2009. Transmission of Fish Parasites into Grouper Mariculture (Serranidae: Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton, 1882)) in Lampung Bay, Indonesia. Journal Parasitology Reseach (2009) 104: 523-532.
Sarjito dan Desrina. 2005. Analisa Infeksi Cacing Endoparasit pada Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates calcarifer Bloch) dari Perairan Pantai Demak. Laporan Kegiatan Hasil Penelitian Dosen Muda. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang. 18 hal.
Soedarto. 2008. Parasitologi Klinik. Airlangga University Press. Surabaya. hal 8-18.
Soulsby, E.J.L.1986. Helminth, Antropods, and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 7th ed. Baillere Tindall. London.
Stasiun Karantina Ikan Kelas I Hang Nadim Batam. 2010. Laporan Pemantauan HPI dan HPIK. Stasiun Karantina Ikan Kelas I Hang Nadim Batam. Batam. 57 hal.
Steel R. G. and Torrie J. H. 1993. Prinsip Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan Oleh Bambang Sumantri. Gramedia. Jakarta.
Subekti, S. dan G. Mahasri. 2010. Buku Ajar Parasit dan Penyakit Ikan (Trematodiasis dan Cestodiasis). Global Persada Press. Surabaya. 91 hal.
Usman. 2011. Budidaya Ikan dalam Keramba Jaring Apung. Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. 42 hal.
Yuasa L. dan N. Kei. 2003. Panduan Diagnosa Penyakit Ikan. Balai Budidaya Air Tawar. Jambi. 37 hal.
Yuliartati, E. 2011. Tingkat Serangan Ektoparasit pada Ikan Patin (Pangasius djambal) pada Beberapa Pembudidaya Ikan di Kota Makassar. Skripsi. Program Studi Budidaya Perairan. Jurusan Perikanan. Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan. Universitas Hasanuddin. Makassar. 65 hal.
Zulkifli, A.K., M. Nasir U., T. Iskandar, Mukhlisuddin, A. Azis, Yulham, Bahrun. 2000. Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kerapu dalam Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA). Modul Pembelajaran Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. Aceh. 9 hal.