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Karakterisasi Edible Film dari Pati Propagul Mangrove Lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) dengan Penambahan Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Cmc) sebagai Pemlastis
[Characterization of Edible Film From Propagules Mangrove Lindur (Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza) Starch with Addition of Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Cmc) as Plasticizer]
Corresponding Author(s) : Moch Amin Alamsjah
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
The using of synthetic packaging generally has a problem for healthy and nature. This plastic rubbish can't degredable by nature and soil. Necessary alternative packaging technology which safe and degredable that is edible film. Use of single material in edible film as starch have some shortage, that is brittle and rigid. Therefore, it is necessary to add material as plasticizer. Plasticizer that use in this study is Carboxymethyl Cellulose. This purpose of this study is to know the effect addition of carboxymethyl cellulose on characterization edible film from propagules mangorve B.gymnorrhiza. The method of this study is experimental with Completely Randomized Design. The treatment is concentration addition of CMC, that is A (0%), B (0,2%), C (0,4%), D (0,6%), E (0,8%), F (1%) and G (1,2%), with four repeatations. Parameters measured were thcikness, water vapor transmission rate, tensile strength and elongation at break. Data analysis using Analysis of Varioan (ANOVA) and if there is difference significant on the result, further with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The result of this study show that addition of CMC have different very significant (p<0,01) on thickness, water vapor transmission rate, tensile strength and elongation at break. The best treatment in this study is treatment G (addition CMC concentration 1,2%) with scoring method which basicaly on JIS (Japanesse Industrial Standard)
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American Society for Testing and Material. 1989. Standard Method For Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate of Material. Philadelphia: ATM Book of Standards D385-81.
Bonilla, J., L. Atares, A. Chiralt. 2012. Edible Films and Coatings to Prevent the Detrimental Effect Oxygen on Food Quality: Possibilities and Limitations. Journal of Food Engineering 110:208213.
Bourtoom, T. 2007. Efect of Some Process Parameters on the Porperties of Edible Film Prepared from Strach. Songkhla: Departement of Material Product Technology. Challenges and Opportunities. Food Technology 51(2): 61-73.
Cui, S. W. 2005. Food Carbohidrates Chemistry, Physical Properties, and Aplications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Delvia, V. 2006. Kajian Pengaruh Penambahan Dietilen Glikol Sebagai Pemlastis pada Karakteristik Bioplastik dari Poli-B-Hidroksialkanoat (PHA) yang Dihasilkan Ralstonia eutropha pada Substrat Hidrolisat Pati Sagu.
Duke, N.C. and James A.A. 2006. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry Apr; Version 2. I.
Handayani, A. 2010. Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Film Biodegredable dari Kitosan/PLA (Polu Lactid Acid) dengan Pemlastis Polietilen Glikol (PEG). Skripsi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Harsunu, B. 2008. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Plasticizer Gliserol dan Komposisi Khitosan dalam Zat Pelarut Terhadap Sifat Fisik Edible Film dari Khitosan. Skripsi. Departemen Metalurgi dan Material. Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Indonesia.
Herliany, E.N. 2011. Aplikasi Kappa Karagenan dari Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii sebagai Edible Coating pada Udang Kupas Rebus. Tesis. Bogor: Program Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Huri, D. dan Fithri C. N. 2014. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gliserol dan Ekstrak Ampas Kulit Apel Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Edible Film. Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri Vol. 2 No. 4.
JIS(Japanesse Industrial Standard) 2 1707. 1975. Japanese Standards Association. J