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Predileksi dan Perubahan Patologi Anatomi pada Ikan Maskoki (Carassius auratus) akibat Infestasi Lernaea cyprinacea Di Kabupaten Tulungagung
[Predilection and Anatomical Pathology Changes in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Due to Lernaea Cyprinacea Infestation in Tulungagung]
Corresponding Author(s) : Kismiyati Kismiyati
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is one of the most popular freshwater fish, therefore they has a very great potential market. Increased effort in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) aquaculture industry, fish farmer also faced greater problems. One of it is disease caused by ectoparacites Lernaea cyprinacea. The predilection of Lernaea cyprinacea can be be directly visible, by the presence of parasites attached to the body surface, fins, gills, eyes and mouth of fish. Lernaea cyprinacea attack on fish can cause pathological change such as lesions and nodules on the skin and fins. This research was conducted in March-November 2013. Location of sampling conducted in Tulungagung East Java while Goldfish (Carassius auratus) pathological examination in the Laboratory of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Airlangga University. The purpose of this study was to determine the predilection of Lernaea cyprinacea that mostly infested on Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and knowing the change of anatomical pathology in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) infested by Lernaea cyprinacea. The method used was a survey method with random sampling technique and change in anatomic pathology described by the scoring method. The result showed that the predilection of Lernaea cyprinacea mostly infested on Goldfish (Carassius auratus) on dorsal and caudal fin, anatomic pathology changes on Goldfish (Carassius auratus) that infested by Lernaea cyprinacea are abscess, haemorhage, laceration, and fins damaged
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- Medeiros, E. S. F. and Maltchik. L. 1999. The effects of hydrological disturbance on the intensity of infestation of Lernaea cyprinacea in an intermittent stream fish community. Journal of Arid Environments 43: 351-356
- Piasecki, W., A. E. Goodwin, J. C. Eiras and B. F. Nowak. 2004. Importance of Copepoda in Freshwater Aquaculture. Zoological Studies 43 (2) : 193-205.
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Amina, I. and El-Mansy. 2009. On the Occurrence of Adult Females of Lernaea Species (Crustacea: Copepoda) Parasitic on Goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) in Some Commercial Aquaria in Egypt. Egypt J. Aquatic Biolo. Fish., 13(1): 7 – 36.
Barreiro, P. L. and J. P. Albandoz. 2001. Management Mathematics for European Schools: Population and Sample. Sampling Technique. The University of Seville. 19 p.
Basuki, F., N. Widyorini dan A. Sulistiono. 2005. Memperbaiki Kuantitas dan Kualitas Ikan Hias Mas Koki Lokal (Carassius auratus) Melalui Efisiensi Teknik Reproduksi Dan Seleksi. Laporan Akhir. Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang. 52 hal.
Berry, C. R., G. J. Babey and T. Shrader. 1991. Effect of Lernaea cyprinacea (Crustacea: Copepoda) on Stocked Rainbow Trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Wildlife Disease, 27 (2):206-213.
Demarre Jr. R. S. 1967. Ecology and External Morfology of Lernaea cyprinacea. Departement of Life Sciences. Indiana State University. American Midland Naturalist. 416-427.
Medeiros, E. S. F. and Maltchik. L. 1999. The effects of hydrological disturbance on the intensity of infestation of Lernaea cyprinacea in an intermittent stream fish community. Journal of Arid Environments 43: 351-356
Piasecki, W., A. E. Goodwin, J. C. Eiras and B. F. Nowak. 2004. Importance of Copepoda in Freshwater Aquaculture. Zoological Studies 43 (2) : 193-205.
Sari, P.D.W. 2010. Perubahan Patologi Kulit Ikan Gurami (Osphronemu gouramy) akibat infestasi Lernaea cyprinacea pada derajat infestasi yang berbeda. Skripsi. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.
Tambunan, J. E., G. Mahasri dan S. Koesdarto. 2011. Infestasi Ektoparasit Lernaea sebagai Faktor Pemicu Munculnya Infeksi Bakteri Aeromonas pada Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio L.). Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 15 hal.