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Pengaruh Padat Tebar Ikan Lele Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate Pada Sistem Akuaponik
[ The Effect Of Stocking Density On Survival Rate and Grow Rate Of Aquaponic System]
Corresponding Author(s) : Boedi Setya Rahardja
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2014): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Increasing consumption of catfish and dairy products encourage increased domestic production of catfish. During the period of 5 years (2005-2009), catfish production has been increased significantly with an average annual growth reached 32%. In 2008 production reached 114.371 tonnes and in 2009 production increased by almost 75% to about 200 thousand tons. Aquaponic is a bio-integration that links recirculating aquaculture principles to the production of crops / vegetables hydroponically (Diver, 2006). Aquaponic technology has proven to successfully produce an optimal fish on less land and limited water resources, including in urban areas (Ahmad, 2007). This study aims to find out the influences of catfish stocking density difference on the growth rate and survival rate of catfish on aquaponic. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD). Analysis of the data processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to know whether there is influance the growth rate and survival rate between the treatment given. If there are significantly difference then proceed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Based on the research obtained the result that there are significant differences in the survival rate (p> 0.01) and there is a significant difference to the rate of growth (p> 0,01). From the results of statistical tests that have been done show that the highest survival rate is in treatment 4 (87.5333%) and the highest growth rate is in treatment 4 (30.5333%). The lowest Survival found in treatment 1 (53.134%). Lowest growth rate found in treatment 1 (16.6%).
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Afrianto, E dan Liviawaty, E, 1988. Beberapa Metode dan Budidaya Ikan. Kanisius. Jakarta
Ahmad T., Sofiarsih L., & Rusmana. 2007. The growth of Patin Pangasius hypopthalmus in a close system tank. Aquaculture. 2(1): 67-73.
Alabaster, J. S. & Lloyd, R. (eds). 1980. Water Quality Criteria for Freshwater Fish.Boston & London: Butterworths. Bachtiar, Y. 2006. Panduan Lengkap Budi Daya Lele Dumbo. AgroMedia Pustaka. Jakarta
Bachtiar, Y. 2010. Buku Pintar Budi Daya & Bisnis Gurami. AgroMedia Pustaka. Jakarta Bartik, M. and A. Piskac. 1981. Veterinary Toxicology.Elservier Publishing Co., New York. 105 – 106.
Blood, D.C. & Radostits, O.M. Veterinary medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle,sheep, pigs, goats and horses. London: Baillière Tindall; 1989. p. 760.
Boyd, C. E. and F. Lichkoppler. 1979. Water quality management in pond fishculture. Auburn univ, Alabama, International for aquaculture. Agric. EXP. Station Research and Development series, 22: 30
Buku Budidaya Lele Sangkuriang, Dit. Pembudidayaan, Ditjen Perikanan Budidaya
Colt, J. and Armstrong,D. 1979. Nitrogen toxicity to fish, crustaceans and molluscs.Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, California.
Craigh, S. and L.A. Helfrich . 2002. Understanding Fish Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding , Viginia Coperative Extension Service. Publication 420-256 : 1-4
Diver S. 2006. Aquaponic-integration hydroponic with aquaculture. National Centre of Appropriate Technology. Department of Agriculture's Rural Bussiness Cooperative Service. P. 28.
Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah Kualitas Air. Kanisius. Yogyakarta