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Pemantauan Virus dengan Metode PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) di Pantai Utara Jawa Timur
[Monitoring Virus By PCR Method (Polymerase Chain Reaction) In North Coast, East Java]
Corresponding Author(s) : Hari Suprapto
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan,
The disease most dangerous for the cultivation activity is virus. Viruses are organisms subseluler that contain only nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) as genetic material. Koi Herpes Virus is one type of virus that causes mortality in cultured Cyprinids. KHV disease in Indonesia started in Blitar, East Java on March 2002 because the entry of imported koi fish that carry the virus KHV, while mortality prosentase could reach 80% - 85%, which causes loss of about 5 billion rupiah. In addition of KHV, there are several types of viral diseases in shrimp is White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV), dan Yellow Head Virus (YHV). Disease can cause losses in farming activities, such as WSSV. WSSV is an endemic disease since 1995. disease WSSV is exotic viral disease that attacks the shrimp monodon in 1998/1999 has resulted in decreased production of very large, so the Indonesian shrimp exports down 33,000 tons. Treatment of viral diseases is difficult because the virus resistant to certain antibiotics and chemical compounds. Therefore, prevention needs to be done, one through the monitoring activities conducted on the northern coast of East Java. The method implemented is monitoring in location and identification of viruses by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Monitoring in location includes water quality measurements and sampling. Identification of virus carried by IQ 2000TM. The identification procedure includes extraction, amplification and electrophoresis. Regional monitoring conducted on the northern coast of East Java includes Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep. Water quality at locations quite well. Results activities of monitoring on the northern coast of East Java is disease White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) was found positive in several locations: Gresik, Lamongan and Tuban, while the virus Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) and Yellow Head Virus (YHV) was not found at all locations . In tilapia, disease Koi Herpes Virus (KHV) was found positive in Tuban.
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- Yan D.C., S.L. Dong, J. Huang, X.M. Yu, M.Y. Feng, X.Y. Liu. 2004. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) detected by PCR in rotifers and rotifer resting eggs from shrimp pond sediments. Dis. Aquat. Org., 59, 69–73.
Agustian, D. 2009. Materi Kelas X : Maret 2009. 24/11/2010. 25 hal.
Aryani, D., G. N. Susanto, Sumardi, Iswadi. 2008. Pengaruh Perubahan Salinitas Terhadap Virulensi White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Pada Udang Putih. Universitas Lampung. Lampung. 9 hal.
Chang Y.S., C.F. Lo, S.E. Peng, K.F. Liu, C.H. Wang, G.H. Kou (2002). White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) PCR-positive Artemia cysts yield PCR-negative nauplii that fail to transmit WSSV when fed to shrimp postlarvae. Dis. Aquat. Org., 49, 1–10.
Fenner, F. J., E. P. J. Gibbs, F. A. Murphy, R.Rott, M. J.Studdert, D. O. White. 1993. Veterinary Virology. Terjemahan : Putra, H. IKIP Semarang Press. Semarang. 699 hal.
Handoyo, B. 2010. Present Status KHV (Koi Herpes Virus) atau CNGV atau CyHV-3. http://boyunaquaculturist.blogspot. com. 27/11/2010.
Hutoran, M., A. Ronen, A. Perelberg, M. Illouze, A. Dishon, I. Bejerano, N. Chen, M. Kotler. 2005. Description of an as Yet Unclassified DNA Virus from Diseased Cyprinus carpio Species. Journal of Virology Vol. 79, No. 4.
Illouze, M., A. Dishon, M. Kotler. 2006. Characterization of a Novel Virus Causing a Lethal Disease in Carp and Koi. Microbiology And Molecular Biology Reviews. 147–156 p.
Lightner, D.V., R. M. Redman, K. W. Hasson, and C. R. Pantoja. 1995. Taura Syndrome in Penaeus vannamei (Crustacea: Decapoda) : gross signs, histopathology and ultrastructure. Dis Aquat Org 21. 53-59 p.
Lightner D.V. 1996. A Handbook of Shrimp Pathology and Diagnostic Procedures for Diseases of Cultured Penaeid, Shrimp World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. 304 p.
Lightner, D. V. 2004. The Penaeid Shrimp Viral Pandemics due to IHHNV, WSSV, TSV, YHV : History in the Americas and Current Status. University of Arizona, Tuscon. USA. 20 p.
Limuswan, C . 1991. Handbook for Cultivation of Black Tiger Prawns. Tansetakit, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lo C.F., G.H. Kou. 1998. Virus-associated white spot syndrome of shrimp in Taiwan: a review. Fish Pathol., 33, 365–371.
Mbwana J, et al. 2006. Molecular characterization of Haemophilus ducreyi isolates from different geographical locations. J Clin Microbiol 44(1):132-137
Pharmawati, M. 2008. Optimalisasi Ekstraksi DNA dan PCR-RAPD Pada Grevillea spp. (Proteaceae). Universitas Udayana. 4 hal.
Rosenberry, B. 2000. World Shrimp Farming 2000, Shrimp News International (2000). 324 p.
Setyorini, N., A. Khusnah, L. Widajatiningrum. 2008. Kelangsungan Hidup Ikan Koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) Yang Terinfeksi KHV (Koi Herpes Virus). Balai Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau Bangil. 9 hal.
Sugianti, B. 2005. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional Dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Ikan. Jurnal Makalah Falsafah Sains. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 37 hal.
Tang, K. F. J., and D. V. Lightner. 1999. A Yellow-Head virus gene probe: application to in situ hybridization and determination of its nucleotide sequence. 173 p.
Vijayan K.K., V. Stalin, C.P. Balasubramanian, S.V. Alavandi, V. Thillai, T.C. Santiago. 2005. Polychaete worms – a vector for white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Dis. Aquat. Org., 63, 107–111.
Westermeier. 2004. Electrophoresis in Practice: A Guide to Theory and Practice. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons inc.
Williams JG, et al. 1990. DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic markers. Nucleic Acids Res 18(22):6531-5.
Yan D.C., S.L. Dong, J. Huang, X.M. Yu, M.Y. Feng, X.Y. Liu. 2004. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) detected by PCR in rotifers and rotifer resting eggs from shrimp pond sediments. Dis. Aquat. Org., 59, 69–73.