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Pengaruh Kombinasi Media Bungkil Kelapa Sawit dan Dedak Padi yang Difermentasi Terhadap Produksi Maggot Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Sebagai Sumber Protein Pakan Ikan
[The Effect Of Palm Kernel Meal and Rice Bran Media Combination Which Are Fermented To The Production Of Black Soldier Fly Maggot (Hermetia illucens) As A Source Of Fish Feed Protein ]
Corresponding Author(s) : Muhammad Arief
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
The high feed prices caused the cost of feed matters were higher for fish farmers so that needed alternative matter. High prices are caused by fish feed, fish feed ingredients that are imported include fish meal which is the main raw material source of protein to feed the fish so that the necessary alternative feed ingredients for use of fish meal. Maggot can be used as alternative feed matter because it contains crude protein ranged between 30-40% but there are some problems in its production. Media for maggot production used palm kernel meal but the media is hard to find outside of the central plam kernel plantation so as to reduce its use carried out by using a combination of rice bran. Rice bran can be easily to get and can be media for maggot production and low nutrient content of the media production maggot can be corrected through the process of fermentation. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of media for the production of maggot and find the best combination of media for the production maggot. This research method is to experiment whit Completely Randomized Desing (CRD). The experiment used is 100% palm kernel meal (A), 75% palm kernel meal + 25 rice bran (B), 50% palm kernel meal + 50% rice bran (C), 25% palm kernel meal + 75% rice bran (D) and 100% rice bran with each five replications. The parameters observed were severe maggot production. Analysis of the data used is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and to determine the best treatment using Duncan's Multiple range test with a confidence interval of 5%. The results of this study indicate that the combination of palm kernel meal and rice bran are fermented to give a noticeable effect the production Maggot. The best combination of palm kernel meal and rice bran to produce the highest Maggot is the use of palm kernel meal 75% + 25% rice bran are not significantly different with the use of palm kernel meal 100%. Based on this research result shows that the use of 25% of rice bran can reduce the use of 100% palm kernel meal become only 75% in maggot production.
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Bidura, I. G. N. G. 2005. Penyediaan Pakan Unggas. Buku Ajar Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Udayana.Dempasar. hal 10-56.
Fahmi. M. R dan S. Hem. 2007. Potensi Maggot sebagai Salah Satu Sumber Protein Pakan Ikan. Loka Riset Budidaya Air Tawar Depok dan IRD (Institut de Recherche Pour le Developpement) Perancis. 7 hal
Hadadi, A., Herry, K. T Wibowo, E. Pramono, A. Surahman, dan E. Ridwan. 2009a. Aplikasi Pemberian Maggot Sebagai Sumber Protein Dalam Pakan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias sp.) dan Gurame (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.). Laporan Tinjauan Hasil Tahun 2008 Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi. hal 175 – 181.
Hadadi, A., Herry, Setyorini, dan E. Ridwan. 2009b. Produksi Massal Maggot Untuk Pakan Ikan. Jurnal Budidaya Air Tawar Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi. hal. 250 - 468.
Haryanti,N. W. 2009. Kualitas Pakan dan Kecukupan Nutrisi Sapi Simental Di Peternakan Mitra Tani Andini, Kelurahan Gunung Pati, Kota Semarang. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Diponogoro. 78 hal
Hutagalung, H. 2004. Karbohidrat. Fakultas Kedokteran. Universitas Sumatra Utara. 11 September 2011. 13 hal
Kompas. 2010. Pajak Perikanan: Daya saing Produk Ikan Terancam. Kompas, 5 April 2010 : 19
Kim, W., S. Bae, K. Park, S. Lee, Y. Choi, S. Han and Y. Koh. 2011. Biochemicl Characterization of Digestive Enzym in The Black Soldier Fly,Hermetia il lucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Journal of Asia-pacfic entomology 14 (2011) : 11-14
Nasution, E. R. J. 2009. Pemanfaatan Tepung Isi Rumen Yang Dfermentasi Dengan Probiotik Sebagai Subsitusi Bekatul Terhadap Performan Ayam Pedaging. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. Universitas Airlangga. 38 hal
Newton, G. L., C. V. Booram, R. W. Barker, and O. M. Hale. 1977. Dried Hermetia illucens larvae meal as a supplement for swine. J. Anim. Sci. 44: 395-399.
Nurfadhilah, Z. Agustina dan C. S. Bani. 2011. Fermentasi: Teknologi Sederhana Pengolahan Bahan Baku Lokal dalam Pembuatan Pakan Ikan. PKM Gagasan Tertulis. 3 Maret 2011. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 17 hal.
Setiawibowo, D. A., D. A. Sipayung dan H. G. P. Putra. 2009. Pengaruh Beberapa Media Terhadap Pertumbuhan Populasi Maggot (Hermetia illucens). http://iirc. ipb. 17 September 2010. 9 pp
Silmina, D., G. Edriani dan M. Putri. 2011. Efektifitas Berbagai Media Budidaya terhadap Pertumbuhan Maggot Hermetia illucens. Institut Pertanian Bog or. Bogor. 7 hal.
Soetanto, H. 2002. Kebutuhan Gizi Ternak Ruminansia Menurut Stadia Fisiologisnya. Reorientasi Formulator Pakan Ternak-Dispet Jatim. Juli 2002. Malang. 19 hal.
Suswara, E. 2010. Materi Kuliah Entomologi. 6 September 2011. 7 pp
Wibisono A.W. 2010. Analisa Dedak Padi Untuk Pakan Sapi. 6 Januari 2011. 2 pp
Widjastuti, T., Abun, W. Tanwiriyah, I. Y. Asmara 2007. Pengolahan Bungkil Inti Sawit Melalui Fermentas Oleh Jamur Marasmius sp. Guna Menunjang Bahan Pakan Alternatif Untuk Ramsum Ayam Broiler. 2 Desember 2010. 90 pp