Perbedaan Tingkat Konsumsi dan Aktivitas Fisik pada Wanita (20-54 Tahun) Obesitas Sentral dan Non Sentral
Background: Central obesity cases in Indonesia gradually increase time to time. Central obesity is a situation when there is excess fat in abdomen. It can be triggered by over consumption of high calories food, less consumption of fiber, and lack of physical activities.
Objective: This study aimed to analyze the differences of intake level and physical activity on women (20-54 years) with central and non central obesity.
Methods: This study was an observational analytic comparative using cross sectional design, 58 women (29 women with central obesity and 29 women with non-central obesity) 20-54 years were selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by measuring weight, height, abdominal circumference, 2x24 hoursrecall for intake level, and interview using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).
Results: the results showed that there was differences in intake level of energy (p=0.000), intake level of carbohydrate (p=0.001), intake level of protein (0.000), intake level of fat (p=0.000), and physical activity (0.041) between women with central obesity and non central. Meanwhile, there was no difference in intake level of fiber (p=0.076) between women with central and non central obesity.
Conclusion: Women with central obesity had higher intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, and fat compared to women with non central obesity. Meanwhile, fiber intake and physical activity were low in women with central obesity. So, women with central obesity were needed to improve energy, carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake as recommended in the AKG and increased physical activity at least three times a week to reduce abdominal fat.
Latar Belakang: Kejadian obesitas sentral di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan. Obesitas sentral merupakan kondisi kelebihan lemak pada daerah perut. Gaya hidup seperti mengonsumsi makanan tinggi lemak, rendahnya konsumsi serat, dan rendahnya aktivitas fisik dapat menyebabkan obesitas sentral.
Tujuan: tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat konsumsi dan aktivitas fisik pada wanita (20-54 tahun) obesitas sentral dan non sentral.
Metode: penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode observasional analitik komparasi menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional pada 58 wanita (29 obesitas sentral dan 29 obesitas non sentral) berusia 20-54 tahun dan dipilih menggunakan simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data terdiri dari pengukuran berat badan, pengukuran tinggi badan, pengukuran lingkar perut, recall 2x24 jam untuk mengetahui tingkat konsumsi, dan wawancara dengan kuesioner International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).
Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat konsumsi energi (p=0,000), tingkat konsumsi karbohidrat (p=0,001), tingkat konsumsi protein (p=0,000), tingkat konsumsi lemak (p=0,000), dan aktivitas fisik (p=0,041) pada wanita obesitas sentral dan non sentral. Akan tetapi, tidak ada Xperbedaan tingkat konsumsi serat (p=0,076) pada wanita obesitas sentral dan non sentral.
Kesimpulan: wanita obesitas sentral memiliki asupan energi, karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan wanita obesitas non sentral. Namun, asupan serat dan aktivitas fisik masih rendah pada wanita obesitas sentral. Dengan demikian maka wanita obesitas sentral diharapkan dapat memperbaiki asupan energi, karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak sesuai anjuran pada AKG dan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik minimal tiga kali seminggu untuk mencegah penumpukan lemak dalam perut.
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